Heat Cure

HeatCure is a transparent, nanotechnology-based coating that can be applied to glass

Heat Cure is a nanotechnology-based glass coating that blocks 85% of the sun’s heat from entering a space. It also blocks UV and IR rays from penetrating windows, which can help reduce energy bills.





Polymerization of Plastics

Some plastics and polymers require heat curing to achieve their final form. This involves subjecting the material to elevated temperatures, which triggers a chemical reaction that transforms the polymer into its desired state. This process is commonly used in the manufacturing of various plastic products.


Adhesive Bonding

Some adhesives, especially in aerospace and high-performance applications, require heat curing to reach their full strength and bonding properties. The heat activates the curing agent or accelerates the curing process.


Textile Printing

In textile printing, heat cure solutions are used to set dyes and pigments in fabric, ensuring colorfastness and washability. This is often done using heat presses or ovens.

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